
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

November 1 - November 7, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Building patrols: 236
Community assistance responses: 1
Escorts: 5
Foot patrols: 342
Held door checks: 28
Medical assistance responses: 2
Noise complaint responses: 1
Suspicious circumstance responses: 13
Unlocks: 80
Vehicle patrols: 289
Vehicle assistance responses: 1


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210474
Date: 2021 11 01
Time: 0324
Description: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: Birchwood Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a vehicle theft report at the Birchwood Apartments. The CSO met with a student who reported that their missing vehicle had last been seen at approximately 7pm the day before. Portland Police were called to file a report.


Case #: 210475
Date: 2021 11 01
Time: 2310
Description: Maintenance Issue
Location: Scholz

Notes: A CSO on patrol was approached by a student who stated that the lock to their residence was broken and they required assistance getting into their room. The student reported that they had left their residence for approximately 10 minutes and upon return had discovered that the keyhole unit part of the door had been removed. Facilities was contacted for urgent repairs to the door.


Case #: 210476
Date: 2021 11 01
Time: 2255
Description: Suspicious Circumstances
Location: Library

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of the odor of “something burning” in the library. The CSO noted the odor upon entering the building and met with a library staff member who directed them to where the odor became more prominent. The CSO continued to follow the odor up to the third floor where they encountered a custodial staff member who had found the source of the odor and led the CSO to a microwave. Inside the microwave appeared to be a non-food item that had been burnt to ashes. The custodial staff member cleaned out the microwave and the CSO cleared the call. 


Case #: 210477
Date: 2021 11 03
Time: 0956
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who reported that they had passed out and were not sure why. The CSO recommended the student be seen at the Health and Counseling Center (HCC) and the student agreed. The CSO provided the student with a ride to the HCC.


Case #: 210478
Date: 2021 11 04
Time: 1920
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with a student possibly experiencing a medical emergency. Based on the student’s report, the CSOs recommended the student call a medical professional for advice, which they did. The medical professional recommended the student be seen at a medical care facility for further assessment. The CSOs provided the student with a vehicle escort to 28 West where Dispatch had arranged for a taxi to transport the student. One CSO returned to their duties while the other CSO remained with the student until the taxi arrived.


Case #: 210479
Date: 2021 11 06
Time: 0017
Description: Information Only
Location: Eliot Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to an emergency call received by Dispatch from a phone in Eliot Hall. The CSOs located the phone and after a thorough search of the area did not locate anybody in the vicinity. The CSOs performed a building walk through and ensured all doors were locked before exiting and continuing on their patrols. 


Case #: 210480
Date: 2021 11 06
Time: 2302
Description: Information Only
Location: Biology

Notes: A CSO on patrol near the Biology/Physics breezeway encountered a bike tire still secured to the bike rack with a U-Lock, but the rest of the bike was missing. There was also a cable lock attached to the U-Lock but the CSO observed that the cable lock had been severed.


Case #: 210481
Date: 2021 11 07
Time: 0100
Description: Student Concern
Location: Campus

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for assistance from a student experiencing emotional distress. The CSO provided the student with a vehicle escort to 28 West where the student could connect with the resources they needed. After reaching out to support resources, the student ultimately requested to return to their residence where they felt they could wait until hearing from an Area Coordinator for further assistance. The CSO provided the student with a ride to their residence then resumed their patrols.


Case #: 210482
Date: 2021 11 07
Time: 2343
Description: Graffiti
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered new graffiti in a lower level GCC bathroom that warranted removal. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.