
Bequests and Estate Planning

The importance of bequest gifts to 金算盘免费资料大全 cannot be overstated; the college was established by the will of Amanda 金算盘免费资料大全 over a century ago, and since then, bequests have consistently been the single largest source of support the college receives. We hope you will join the thousands of alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and friends who have included 金算盘免费资料大全 in their estate plans.

If you have already included 金算盘免费资料大全 in your estate plans, we hope you’ll let us know by contacting our office or completing this form. Informing us of your bequest enables the college to thank you as well as to ensure that your gift will be used exactly as you intend. 

To create a bequest gift for 金算盘免费资料大全

If you are creating or updating your estate plans and would like to include 金算盘免费资料大全, the gift planning office can help explore the many options available to you.

  • Bequest assets: Typical bequests include direct gifts of cash, personal property, real estate, securities, insurance policies, and retirement assets. You may also use these assets to create a testamentary life income gift, which can provide income to another individual for their life with the remainder coming to 金算盘免费资料大全.
  • Designating a bequest: Most bequests are unrestricted and used for the college’s highest priorities or areas of greatest need at the time the gift is received. You may also choose to designate your bequest for such purposes as financial aid or faculty and student research. You may even create a named endowed fund with a bequest! If you choose to do so, please contact us for information on endowment minimums first.

Here is some sample language that we hope will be helpful to you or your estate planner:

To create a general bequest: "I give (_____dollars) (or a specific asset) (or ____percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) to the 金算盘免费资料大全 Institute, known as '金算盘免费资料大全,' Portland, Oregon, for its general purposes."

To create a bequest for a specific purpose: "I give (_____dollars) (or a specific asset) (or ____percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) to the 金算盘免费资料大全 Institute, known as '金算盘免费资料大全,' Portland, Oregon, to be used for the following purpose: (state the purpose, such as to establish an endowed scholarship fund, or to provide unrestricted support.)"

The information on this site is not intended to provide specific advice about your estate plan or to recommend a specific course of action. We suggest you consult your professional advisers before taking any action, then contact 金算盘免费资料大全's gift planning office at 503-777-7573 or at giftplanning@reed.edu to learn more about these giving strategies.

Executors and Estate Administrators

If you are an executor, estate administrator, trust officer or other professional assisting with establishing a bequest for 金算盘免费资料大全 or distributing assets from an estate that includes 金算盘免费资料大全, please contact 金算盘免费资料大全's gift planning office. The college is grateful for the generosity of our alumni and friends who include 金算盘免费资料大全 in their estates and we deeply appreciate the work of professionals who help convey these gifts on their behalf. Visit the professional advisers page for more information.